CM Interior Designs

Design Services


Concept Development

Client and Designer meet to discuss aesthetic style, functional requirements and budget. The client is required to bring a collection of images showing likes and dislikes. I require this information to be prepared for review and discussion during the scheduled Concept Meeting.


Selection of Interior Finishes & Fixtures

Flooring, Tile, Cabinetry, Countertops, Paint, Interior Doors, Hardware, Appliances, Fireplace Units, Plumbing Fixtures, Washroom Accessories, Lighting Fixtures, Finish Carpentry (Mouldings)


A meeting will be scheduled for presentation of above items. The Finishes & Fixtures will be presented using a combination of samples and images.

Preliminary pricing will be provided for individual products at this time in order for the Client to make selections.


"Luxury starts where functionality ends and where the true value is personal and so has no price or reason."

/  marcel wanders  /